

Like most, if not all GUI supporting languages, Views allows a user to have different buttons in their GUIs. These Buttons have different properties that can be used by the users building GUIs.

The list below contains the properties that a button can have:



     Name = S

     Text = S

     TextAlign = CA

     Image = F

     Width = M                   

     Height = M

     ForeColor = C

     BackColor = C

     Font = FNT

     halign = HA

     valign = VA    />



This property indicates the Name of the component, being S. S should be included in single or double quotes.

bullet Text, TextAlign and Image

A button can either have Text or an Image on it.  It can even have both Text, describing its functionality, and an Image on it. The TextAlign property specifies the alignment of text on the Button and its value CA can be any of the member names of the System.Drawing.ContentAlignment enumeration type, which are TopCenter, TopLeft, TopRight, MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, ButtomLeft, ButtomCenter, or ButtomRight.  The value S is as it has been described above.  The value of Image F denotes the filename.  The filename is written using typical windows notation, and it should be included enclosed by the single quotes.

bulletWidth and Height

These properties are used by many components such as text boxes and so on.  These are used to specify the width and the height of the component.  The value that these properties have, being M, denotes the size in decimal numbers followed by the units of measure.  The recognized units are:  pt or point for points, in or inch for inches, mm for millimetres, cm for centimetres, pc or pica for picas, dd or didot for didots and cc or cicero for ciceros.  If these units are omitted, the default is points.   

bulletForeColor and BackColor

ForeCore property is used to set the color for the text on the button, and BackColor property sets the Background color on the button.


 This Attribute Specify the appearance of Text on the Button. "Bold12" indicate a 12 point and Bold font. 

bullethalign and valign

halign denotes the horizontal alignment of the button, and its value HA can be Left, Right or Center (views will accept spelling "Centre" as well).  The valign property denotes the vertical alignment of the button. Its value VA can be Top, Middle or Bottom 


Examples of the Buttons

Example 2.1.1: Source

@"<Form Text= 'Holidays'>                                                                                  
<Button Name = b1 Text = button1 BackColor = LightGreen ForeColor = Red/>  
<Button Name = b2 Text = button2 ForeColor = Red BackColor = Yellow/>

The example above will generate the following image.                


Example 2.1.2: Source                                                                                                                                                  

string fs = @"<Form Text= 'Holidays'>                                                    <Horizontal>                                                                                                  <Button Name = b1 image = 'up.GIF' width = 5cm height = 3cm/>        <Button Name = b2 image = 'uv.GIF' width = 10cm height = 3cm/>      </Horizontal>                                                                                                </Form>";                                         

The example above will generate the following image.