

In this page we give the full description of the properties that the views controls have.

1. Name = S

Most controls, if not all of the have this property. This property defines the name of the control of interest. Where S denotes a string value, and such string may be enclosed by single or double quotes. e.g. <Button Name = 'b1'/> creates a button with a name b1.

2. Text = S

This property defines the text that is displayed on a Control, where S is a string that is actually displayed on the Control. i.e. <CheckBox Text = 'Choice'/> will create a checkbox the the text Choice written on it.

3. TextAlign = CA

This property describes how the text should be aligned on a control, where CA denotes content alignment. CA can any of the following values.

TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight,MiddleLeft, MiddleCenter, MiddleRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter and Bottom-Right.

4. BackColor = C

This is the Color that the control will be displayed in, where C describe any color that the user want. e.g. <Button BackColor = Blue /> will generate the blue button.

5. ForeColor = C

This property goes hand in hand with the Text property above. While Text property is the text that is displayed on the control, ForeColor is the color that the text will be displayed in. i.e.  <CheckBox Text = 'Choice' ForeColor = Yellow/>  will create a CheckBox written Choice on it, but the words will be displayed in Yellow. C denotes any color.

6. Font = FNT

Again this property goes hand in hand with the Text property above. This property defines the Font and size which the Text on a Control in displayed in, Where FNT is just the font description. e.g.  <CheckBox Text = 'Choice' Font = Bold12/> creates a Checkbox where the word Choice is formatted to be Bold and and is displayed with the size of 12 points.

7. Height = M

This property defines that height of the control, where M denotes the size measure. M is a decimal number which can be optionally followed by the units of measure. The recognized units of measure are pt or point for points, in or inch for inches, mm for millimeters, cm for centimeters, pc or pica for picas, dd or didot for didots and cc or cicero for ciceros. if the units are omitted the units are taken to be points, which are identical to pixels. i.e. <Button Height = 5cm/> will create a button with a height of five centimeters.

8. Width = M

This property is exactly the same with the Height property discussed above except that this one defines the Width of the Control.

9. Image = F

This property defines the image that will be displayed on a control, where F denotes a file name written in usual windows notation. The image file name must be in a format that is supported by window (e.g. JPEG, GIF, BMP, and WMF). i.e. <Button Image = 'C:/pic/image.jpg' /> will create a button with the image on it, and the image is situated at the given directory.

10. halign = HA

This property defines how the horizontally a control should be aligned, where HA denotes a Horizontal alignment. HA can have Left, Right and Center as its values.

11. valign = VA

This property defines how the vertically a control should be aligned, where VA denotes a vertical alignment. VA can have Top, Middle and Bottom as it values.

12. Checked = B

This only applies to CheckBoxes and RadioButtons. This property indicates if the CheckBox or Radiobutton is selected or not, where be is a boolean value. <Checkbox Name = chk Checked = true/> will create a checkbox that indicates that it has been selected.

13. Minimum = N

This property is used by the ProgressBar and TrackBar controls. This property indicate the minimum value that the control can have, where N denotes an integer value. by default this property has the value of zero.

14. Maximum = N

This property is also used by the ProgressBar and TrackBar controls. This property indicate the miximum value that the control can have, where N denotes an integer value. by default this property has the value of 100.