

This pages demontrate how checkBoxes are added on the Views window.

A CheckBox is responsible for inputting an On/Off value. And TextBox has the following properties:-

Name, Text, TextAlign, Width, Height, ForeColor, BackColor, Font, halign, valign and Checked. where checked is a boolean value that is used to indicate whether a checkbox has been selected or not. The full decription of these properties can be found here.




The next example shows four CheckBoxes with banana and apples checkboxes selected, also note that the Tomato text is displayed in bold. This example also shows that if the Text attribute is omitted, the name that has been assigned to the CheckBox will be displayed as a Text (see Orange and Banana CheckBoxes from the code).



Example 2.5.1: Source

Below is the code for example 2.5.1


@"<Form Text= 'Fruit Shop'>
    <CheckBox Name = choiceOrange BackColor = Orange Text = 'Oranges' />
    <CheckBox Name = Banana BackColor = Yellow Checked = true/>

   <CheckBox Name = Apples BackColor = LightGreen Checked = true/>
     <CheckBox Name = Tomato BackColor = Red Font = Bold10/>
